Christmas Concert
When I was drawing the objectives of the Associacao, it seemed a little too ambitious to imagine that my humble actions, which would be through caring and supporting emotionally those in crisis, on a case-by-case basis, could be considered a service to the community. But I soon learned that every interaction and each donation of our attention and knowledge and love to a person in suffering, is an act of humanity. Each act, unrepeatable, renewed and co-created, make us better people, individually and collectively, and contributes to the transformation we all are eager for.
I briefly ask you to just take along with me few seconds to think of the people who have helped you become who you are.
They all have something in common. They all have practiced empathy, kindness, generosity, loyalty, patience and compassion.
Those who have cared about you and wanted what was best for you in life.
We The Associacao Tu és uma Jóia have filled this role to those in need at their difficult moments of life.
Happy Holidays