Solidarity Project

Providing emotional support and care to those in need

Who we are


Tu és uma Jóia, meaning 'you are a gem' in Portuguese, is a nonprofit organization that aids individuals at their moment of crisis. By providing emotional support with compassion and care, we are here for those experiencing emotional distress and physical fragility when they need it most.

At Tu és uma Jóia, we believe that small actions done in solidarity and kindness have a positive impact on the wellbeing of others. We provide tailored support to individuals of working age, helping them cope with challenges and rebuild their confidence and self-worth.

What we do


Emotional support

We encourage positive emotions, create a safe judgment-free space to listen and be present with you.

"Thank you for listening to me on the phone that things are getting better and I'm feeling like myself again.

“I want you to know that the help and support you gave me during the time I worked at St. Cirilo remain present in my memory. I have deep admiration for you and immense gratitude for all the support you gave me.”


We accompany you during medical appointments so you do not have to face them alone.

"You waited all that time and stayed with me, I am so very grateful."


We help you find clarity and provide advice to assist you in your decision-making.

"Thank you very much for the was very useful for me, I released a lot of the stress and became more confident."

Resources & Referrals

We create resources (including our blogs and podcasts), as well as offer recommendations and referrals to other institutions and programs that can address your specific challenges.

"Thank you for being here for me and helping me find the information I needed."


We monitor your wellbeing by telephone or in person as needed to check in and make sure you are doing all right.

"Thank you for keeping in touch, it makes me peaceful knowing that strong people like you are there and always ready to listen."

Learn more


"We are here when life gets hard. We are here when you doubt yourself. We are here to give you back your sense of value when you cannot find your own. We are here for you." -Nazanin Bidabadi, Founder

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